Simply click here to register product on line at You can now set up a customer profile to keep a record of your purchases and it makes it easy to look up your information in the future.
Common Questions about the registration page:
Q: What is a SKU?
A: The SKU is the item part number it can be found on the outside of the carton and sometimes on your receipt, it is not on the product instructions. The SKU is a 7 digit number starting with an 8, example 8000148. Sometimes on cartons and receipts it is shortened to 4 digits, example 0148. If you can't find it, no worries, let us know the name of the product you purchased and we can get you the SKU.
Q: If I live outside the US can I register for the warranty?
A: At this time we can only accept warranty registrations with a U.S. address. Please contact the distributor in your country to complete your registration.
Q: If I provide my email address will you spam me?
A: No way. Just set the Newsletter Sign-Up to "No" and you won't hear from us unless there is a problem with your product we need to tell you about.
Q: How many products can I register at one time?
A: You can register three products at a time.
Still can't find what you are looking for, no problem you can contact Support here, or by calling 888-925-4621 during business hours
Q: Can you fix my registration?
A: Unfortunately, agents are not able to add too, change, or alter registrations at this time.