Yes, we offer two programs;
If you work in one of the following industries you maybe eligible for a Pro Deal;
- Outdoor industry
- Automotive industry
We also offer Pro Deals to some Outdoor industry organizations.
If you feel that you qualify for a Pro Deal please click here to submit an application. You will need to provide one of the following documents to as proof of your employment / membership;
- Current pay stub (within the last 30 days)
- Current membership card
- Work email address
If you work for a Yakima retailer click here.
Please give 5 to 10 business days for your application to be approved before contacting us
Yakima reserves the rights to refuse access to the program to anyone. The Yakima Pro Deal program is a privilege, and the program is NOT valid at Yakima Retail locations. Please refer to the “Where can my Pro Deal be used?” FAQ here.
If you have any questions about these programs, or about an order you have placed please click here to submit your question. Do not call customer service regarding Pro or Employee orders.